Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Secret Number One: Truthfully, you're the only thing that's ever really made me feel beautiful.

I love this. My dad is a strong believer in this saying. Ive heard it all my life. It almost inspires me to write about him, but that would bring tears to my eyes, happy and devastating tears both. Maybe I'll feel like it another night, when I'm not so emotional. I want to think I'm going crazy because of my moods and how they swing. But who defines crazy anyways? Not me.

On to another topic thats racing through my mind.
John. I like that with you, it gets better every day you make me smile like an idiot; and forget what I was saying, you make me crazy but I don't really mind; you bring out the best in me; I'm so happy I found you. I live my life knowing that your going to be by my side. Do you how much comfort that brings me when I lay my head down to go to sleep? I know some people search the world to find something like what we have, and I know people will try and try to divide something real, so until the end of time, I’m telling you that there isn’t anyone who can get in the way of what I feel for you.

My English Teacher.
She made me tear up in class. Her story about herself, hit home. I'm not stupid, and no one can tell me I'm not good enough. I'm excited about going to class tomorrow, just to see her. I already love that woman.

This is my prayer for today. Where there once was disagreement, unity can prevail. I want to live life to the fullest, Lord, and I know that will happen only as I experience Your love. Give me Your love, even for the unlovely. Thank you for your son, Jesus, who died---just for me, and for this world. Your love knows no boundaries.

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